Replici celebre din cadrul ceremoniei Oscar 2011 p3
Continuam seria replicilor memorabile Oscar 2011 (p1 si p2 ) cu Partea a 3a Ne apropiem de sfarsit iar energia protagonistilor se cam termina insa acest aspect nu arunca nici o umbra asupra ceremoniei.
Continuam vanatoarea noastra de momente memorabile si emotionante:
Prima replica a lui Charles Ferguson dupa ce a castigat premiul pentru cel mai bun documentar (Inside Job)
„Forgive me, I must start by pointing out that 3 years after a huge financial crisis caused by massive fraud, not a single executive has gone to jail, and that’s wrong.”
Jude Law si Robert Downey Jr in timpul prezentarii premiilor pentru cele mai bune efecte sociale – unul dintre cele mai bune momente ale serii
Downey despre echipele tehnice: „The person whose idea of a good time is to mutter about adjustments while you’re suspended upside down for six hours”
Law ca raspuns la critica de mai sus: „If it wasn’t for them, your closest association with a superhero would have been in 2001 when you were busted in a cheap hotel with a woman dressed as Supergirl”
Si o scurta corectie din partea lui Downey: „Actually it was an expensive hotel, in 2000, and she was dressed as Wonder Woman – and that is the attention to detail that these nominees have shown,”
Colin Firth dupa castigarea premiului pentru cel mai bun actor (The King’s Speech)
„I have a feeling my career just peaked. Um. My deepest thanks to the Academy. I have to warn you that I am experiencing stirrings somewhere in the upper abdominals that are threatening to form themselves into dance moves. Joyous as they might be for me, it would be extremely problematic if they made it to my legs before I get offstage.”
Iain Canning dupa castigarea lui The King’s Speech a premiului Oscar pentru cel mai bun Film – un moment emotionant si foarte sincer.
„What an incredible honour, what an amazing year for film. To be with the other films in that category is incredible.”
Gala premiilor Oscar a luat sfarsit, lista completa a castigatorilor o puteti vedea aici
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